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10 exam tips for parents

Exam tips for parents

  1. Know your child’s exam schedule – Put a copy of the exam timetable on the family notice board or fridge. Make sure you are aware when your son or daughter has to be in school or college for each exam.
  2. Ensure your child is present for each paper – It sounds crazy, but with both parents working in many homes, it can happen that someone forgets to wake the student. Make sure they are dressed and fed each morning before you leave the house.
  3. Make a checklist of daily requirements, based on each day’s papers – Has your child got the kit they need to sit the exam? Pens, erasers, calculators etc should be checked, along with reading glasses etc.
  4. Listen to the story of their day and move on – After each day’s exams, allow your child to recount to you their daily story. Do not be tempted to review in detail the errors or omissions they may have made. Such a process achieves absolutely nothing, other than to increase stress levels. Just allow them the time to tell their story and move on.
  5. Help them to focus on the next day’s exams – It can be helpful to review the next paper. Simple questions, such as “What is up next?”, “Are there any compulsory sections?”, “Are there any predictable questions?” and so on, can be useful in helping students plan their revision schedule for the time available before the next exam.
  6. Help them to maintain a balanced routine – Ensure your child maintains a proper balance between study and rest. After an exam, they need time to recharge before they study for the next paper. Remember that this is a two-week process and they need to be mentally sharp for each exam. Late-night study sessions should be avoided.
  7. A good night’s sleep improves examination performance – All revision should end at least an hour before bed to allow the student to unwind. Falling straight into bed from the study desk means the student’s mind will be buzzing for hours as he or she attempts to fall asleep.
  8. You are what you eat – What you eat and drink affects your performance in any activity, especially one involving mental sharpness. As a parent, you should try to ensure that your child eats and drinks nutritious food during the coming weeks. Help your child to avoid grazing on junk food, this can be very tempting at times of increased stress.
  9. Don’t stress the importance of any examination – Make it clear to your children that your love and regard for them is in no way dependent on how they perform in exams. This affirmation is the best gift you can give them on the eve of their exams.
  10. Make sure your child continues to mix with friends and family – Don’t isolate them in their bedroom upstairs. Contact with their friends is very important to maintaining their spirits during the coming weeks. You can also support them and have a friendly chat when they are taking a break from their revision.

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