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feedback Tag

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Thank you so much for yesterday's excellent workshops.  Please pass on our thanks to James. Your time and effort are very much appreciated, and it was fantastic to have you visit in person.  It is excellent to have PSHE and careers activities with external experts, and we very much appreciate your support.  The staff supervising tell me the session was interactive, the

Rebecca Prior - Hillview School for Girls - Head of KS4

An essential thing every student should do to ensure a successful transition between key stages is to set achievable goals. Goal setting for transition is vital because it will help each student to identify areas where they need to develop their skills and knowledge. This will help them gain the most from their transitioning experience. Workshop: The Lighthouse (previously The Challenge) has been

Feedback; breakfast of champions! Everyone agrees that feedback is essential. Common sense and research have highlighted that formative assessment in the classroom, consisting of lots of feedback and opportunities to use it, enhances motivation and attainment. Studies have indicated that GCSE students can achieve a 0.5 grade increase per subject through the provision of quality feedback and the effects have

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